View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000676eac3tobugpublic2021-11-09 20:26
ReporterBender Assigned Tomadshi  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformDesktop PCOSWindows 10 1809 LTSCOS Version17763.2268
Summary0000676: Access Violation in eac3to
DescriptionI have installed yesterday 2 Updates from Windows Update. KB5006744 and KB5006847.
On this Day in start a Command-Prompt and give in eac3to.exe, i press enter and the Programm gives me an Access Violation back.

On other PC with not this Windows Updates works all fine, and the Days before this Updates installed on this Machine works eac3to fine.

I have included the Bugreport.txt.
TagsNo tags attached.
eac3to Version3.34



2021-10-28 02:12

reporter   ~0002836 (5,741 bytes)


2021-11-06 03:33

reporter   ~0002837

I also have this issue. I would suggest changing the severity since this prevents using eac3to at all.


2021-11-06 10:03

administrator   ~0002838

I'll create a new build soon.


2021-11-09 19:54

reporter   ~0002841

After installing updates KB5007206 KB5007884 today eac3to is working again!


2021-11-09 19:55

administrator   ~0002842

Good to hear!


2021-11-09 20:26

reporter   ~0002843

eac3to works again on my System, only with KB5007206, KB5007884 don't gives for my System.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-10-28 02:10 Bender New Issue
2021-10-28 02:12 Bender Note Added: 0002836
2021-10-28 02:12 Bender File Added:
2021-11-06 03:33 Bombara Note Added: 0002837
2021-11-06 10:03 madshi Note Added: 0002838
2021-11-06 10:03 madshi Assigned To => madshi
2021-11-06 10:03 madshi Status new => assigned
2021-11-09 19:54 Bombara Note Added: 0002841
2021-11-09 19:55 madshi Note Added: 0002842
2021-11-09 20:26 Bender Note Added: 0002843