View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000629madVRbugpublic2019-12-17 13:18
Reporterorenc Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformWindowsOSWindows 10OS Version1903
Summary0000629: Ability to toggle 3D stereo playback by keyboard
DescriptionAbility to control the operation of 3d stereo via keyboard would be of a great help.
If possible, adding a keyboard shortcut to control the toggle of Rendering -> stereo 3D -> "enable stereo 3d playback".
 This would be a very "couch & kids" friendly feature to force playing 3D movies in 2D when needed. Thank you!
TagsNo tags attached.
madVR Version0.92.17
Media Player (with version info)MPC-BE v1.5.4 (build 4850)
Splitter (with version info)LAV 0.74.1
Decoder (with version info)LAV 0.74.1
DecodingDXVA2 Native
Deinterlacingauto mode
DXVA2 Scaling Activeyes
Aero / Desktop CompositionOn
Problem occurs with modeall modes
GPU ManufacturerNVidia
GPU ModelGeforce GTX 1070 ti
GPU Driver Version425.31


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-12-17 13:18 orenc New Issue