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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000734madVRbugpublic2025-02-03 14:50
Reportertonido Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
OSWindowsOS Version10 
Summary0000734: zoom control leads to image upscaling
DescriptionPlay: "Spider-Man: Far From Home"
The movie has a constant aspect ratio of 2.39:1. But the scene directly after the "Marvel Studios" logo (at 0000001:0000002:33min) gets upscaled to 16:9 because the black bars on the left/right are removed and the cropped image, which is now horizontally and vertically smaller than the display's resolution, gets upscaled to the display's resolution.

I always shift the image to the bottom of the screen, so detecting hard coded black bars is necessary, but that leads to the mentioned issue.

"if black bars change pick one zoom factor: ...which doesn't lose any image content" fixes the issue but should be enabled only if necessary. So I have tried to create a rule:
if (croppedSrcWidth != uncroppedSrcWidth) "croppedWidth"
else "default"

But this rule leads to heavy flickering: fastly switches between the upscaled 16:9 image and the wanted 2.39:1 image. I assume the value gets checked multiple times per second, and that leads to the flickering. A boolean like variableAR might help then: variableHeight / variableWitdh

Is there a solution to this? (ignoring vertical black bars or completely disable image up-scaling caused by black bar detection)
Steps To ReproduceUnder zoom control, enable "automatically detect hard coded black bars"- nothing else.

Play: "Spider-Man: Far From Home" - the scene after the "Marvel Studios" logo at 0000001:0000002:33min.
TagsNo tags attached.
madVR Versionv0.92.17
Media Player (with version info)mpc-hc 2.3.9
Splitter (with version info)LAV 0.79.2
Decoder (with version info)LAV 0.79.2
DecodingDXVA2 Native
Deinterlacingnone (progressive)
DXVA2 Scaling Activeno
Aero / Desktop CompositionOff
Problem occurs with modeall modes
GPU ManufacturerNVidia
GPU ModelGT1030
GPU Driver Version555.99



2025-01-06 13:59

administrator   ~0003204

I'm a bit confused: You're saying the movie is constant scope, but then you say that first scene gets the black bars on the left & right side removed. How can there be black bars if the movie is constant scope?


2025-01-07 00:23

reporter   ~0003206

yes, it's true. I have attached screenshots.

Without "detect hard coded black bars" the movie has a constant aspect ratio of 2.39:1 and this scene has additional black bars on the left/right, but that's intended. When "detect hard coded black bars" is enabled, the bars on top/left/right/bottom gets removed and that causes a rescaling.

The last picture shows you why there are black bars on left/right - it is because this "news show" the pupils are producing is in 16:9 fromat. There are multiple movies where this happens.

This is irrelavant for most users (16:9 screens) but if you have a CinemaScope Screen...
cropped-black-bars.png (3,814,229 bytes)


2025-01-07 00:37

administrator   ~0003207

Have you configured the "your projector -> screen masking" settings correctly in madVR? If you did that, madVR should automatically show both the scope and 16:9 sections of the movie correctly within your scoped screen without cutting anything off. So I'm assuming you either haven't configured the screen masking settings correctly, or maybe you've activated some options in the processing -> zoom control page that don't do what you want/need? E.g. I'd suggest that you uncheck "if there big black bars".


2025-01-08 02:23

reporter   ~0003208

That's it - it works. I have disabled "automatically detect hard coded black bars", used screen masking to shift the image to the bottom and limit the visible screen area. Now the movie keeps it original aspect ratio. Awsome. Thank you very much for your help.


2025-01-08 11:23

administrator   ~0003209

I'm not sure how it works for you without "automatically detect hard coded black bars", though? That said, if you're playing custom encoded movies that have the black bars cut off during encoding, then it should be fine. But if you're playing a ripped original Blu-Ray that wasn't reencoded, it should show as pillow-boxed (black bars all around the image) on your scope screen.


2025-01-08 17:17

reporter   ~0003210

yes, this was tested with a cropped re-encode. For movies with IMAX scenes (variableAR) I had to enable "automatically detect hard coded black bars" again. But it turned out this works also for the cropped re-encoded movies, so I leave it enabled.

Anyway, my problem is solved now. Thank you very much.


2025-01-08 17:48

administrator   ~0003211

Yes, that's the intended use for scope users (which I am myself, btw), namely enable "automatically detect hard coded black bars" and properly setup the "screen config", so madVR knows that you have a scope screen.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-05 23:00 tonido New Issue
2025-01-06 13:59 madshi Note Added: 0003204
2025-01-07 00:23 tonido Note Added: 0003206
2025-01-07 00:23 tonido File Added: uncropped-black-bars-left-right-1.png
2025-01-07 00:23 tonido File Added: cropped-black-bars.png
2025-01-07 00:23 tonido File Added: uncropped-black-bars-left-right-2.png
2025-01-07 00:37 madshi Note Added: 0003207
2025-01-08 02:23 tonido Note Added: 0003208
2025-01-08 11:23 madshi Note Added: 0003209
2025-01-08 17:17 tonido Note Added: 0003210
2025-01-08 17:48 madshi Note Added: 0003211
2025-02-03 14:50 tonido Status new => closed
2025-02-03 14:50 tonido Resolution open => fixed